State Police
In many states, state police personnel can provide free training and technical assistance, training and tactical response to actual incidents of terrorism.
State Emergency Management Agencies
State emergency management agencies in most states can provide free technical assistance, assist with the development of emergency operations plans, aid in coordinating, conducting and evaluating emergency drills and exercises and will respond to provide support following incidents. To find your state point of contact, visit the web site of the National Emergency Management Association at
State Public Health Agencies
State public health agencies can often provide free training and technical assistance relating to bioterrorism issues.
Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Can provide assistance in emergency operations planning, preventive efforts, and in many cases training for staff.
Local Emergency Management Agencies
Local emergency management officials can assist with hazard analysis, emergency preplanning, emergency operations planning, drills and exercises.
Local Public Health Agencies
These agencies can often provide training and technical assistance relating to bioterrorism as well as naturally occurring biological and accidental contamination incidents.
Fire Departments
Frequently, fire service personnel can provide excellent training and technical assistance in a variety of areas. Of particular concern are topics relating to incident command and hazardous materials.
Emergency Medical Services
Like the other agencies listed in this section, emergency medical services personnel can be tremendous assets in planning, particularly when planning for mass casualty incidents.
Coroner /Medical Examiner
A representative from this field can also provide valuable input when planning for mass casualty situations.
Non profit organizations
There are numerous nonprofit organizations that can provide excellent training technical assistance and response support. Nationally recognized examples include the American Red Cross, The International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, and the National Organization for Victim’s Assistance www.trynova-org.
Source: Slaughter of Innocence – When Terrorism Comes to School by Michael and Chris Dorn, due for publication in January, 2005 Safe Havens International Press