Register for the League for Innovation in the Community College's Learning Summit 2015
CHANDLER, AZ — Join colleagues from across the continent at the 2015 Learning Summit in Phoenix, AZ, June 7-10. The Learning Summit is a working retreat for community college teams to connect with colleagues, discuss issues and explore strategies for focusing entire colleges on improving and expanding student learning.
Davis Jenkins, senior research associate at the Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University, will open the Summit on Sunday evening.
Monday through Wednesday, the program will devote a half-day to each of the five topic areas: student learning outcomes; student engagement; faculty and staff engagement; organizational culture; and quality, inquiry and accountability.
Each half-day session offers an interactive symposium, concurrent forums, and conversations about learning. Participants are engaged as full partners in all Summit activities.
The Summit is a team-based event, with community colleges bringing groups representing all areas of the institution. One veteran participant explains that, “The opportunity to work with our team was truly invaluable. This is always a productive experience.”
Don’t miss this opportunity to share your experience and expertise and to learn from others at this year’s Summit.
Visit the Learning Summit website for more information and to register.
About the League for Innovation in the Community College
The League for Innovation in the Community College is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to catalyzing the community college movement. The League hosts conferences and institutes, develops print and digital resources, and leads projects and initiatives with more than 800 member colleges, 160 corporate partners, and a host of other government and nonprofit agencies in a continuing effort to make a positive difference for students and communities. Information about the League and its activities is available at