The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Introduces the Higher Education Committee of 50

WASHINGTON, DC – During the Higher Education Act (HEA) reauthorization process, proposals abound from various entities that have a stake in higher education. While there are many voices weighing in on reauthorization discussions, there is a particularly strong need for thoughtful, innovative ideas for the future of postsecondary education that come from all levels of an institution. The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) is pleased to announce the formation of 50 members from all different institutional areas to serve on the newly formed Higher Education Committee of 50—or Forward50.

This national committee—comprised of college presidents, members of governing boards, enrollment managers, admissions staff, financial aid and bursar leaders, students, and other forward-thinking leaders from all sectors of postsecondary institutions—will spend the next year examining policy areas related to access, affordability, accountability, and transparency. The Forward50 will produce four white papers that will include practical recommendations for members of Congress, and will be available to the broader policy community for review and comment in fall 2018.

“What all of these members have in common is the ability to think about how student aid can meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s students,” says NASFAA President Justin Draeger. “Change is never easy, but this forwarding-thinking group is up to the task. We look forward to seeing the creative, transformative solutions they produce, all with an eye toward student equity, success, accountability, and transparency.”

Members of the Forward50 bring with them a diverse set of experiences, expertise, and perspectives. Together they hold memberships in more than 140 other higher education-related professional associations, with many serving in current or past leadership roles. Head to the website to learn more about the Forward50 and read about what motivated the 50 committee members to apply to take part in this initiative.

In November 2017, the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) Forward50 Press Announcement received a grant to convene a group of forward-thinking campus leaders tasked with developing policy solutions that will help surmount obstacles preventing students from enrolling, paying for, and graduating from college. The duration of the grant is 18 months, but the work and recommendations of the Forward50 are intended to last far beyond the time the committee is at work. NASFAA will continue to elevate the principles and positions put forward by the Forward50 through press releases, events, conference presentations, and educational materials.


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