Staffing Resources
Do you want to know more about the staffing guidelines Wormwood mentioned? They’re available for purchase from APPA, the Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers. Based in Alexandria, Va., APPA is dedicated to the maintenance, protection and promotion of quality educational facilities. For more information about the organization, go to
APPA offers three specific books on staffing. The first, Custodial Staffing Guidelines for Educational Facilities, second edition, presents the five levels of clean and includes information on such specialized facilities areas as residence halls and health care facilities (33 room categories in all). The 260-page book costs $95.00 ($75.00 for APPA members).
The second, Operational Guidelines for Grounds Management, is written by Feliciani, Simpson, Gratto, Getz, DeStefano, Morrow, O’Donnell, Spengler, Payne, Fournier and Swartzell. It’s a comprehensive guide to maintaining and managing your grounds and landscaping operation. Chapters discuss environmental stewardship, broadcast and zone maintenance, grounds staffing guidelines, contracted services, position descriptions, benchmarking and more. The 159-page book costs $125.00 ($75.00 for APPA members).
The third, Maintenance Staffing Guidelines for Educational Facilities, is written by Adams, Calloway, Fisher, Klingel, Ness, Waier and Weidner. Contents include Maintenance of Buildings, Definitions & Assumptions, Maintenance Versus Construction/Renovation/Alteration, Levels of Maintenance, Trades Descriptions, Zero-Based Staffing Buildup and more. The 236-page book costs $130.00 ($95.00 for APPA members).
To purchase these or other facilities-related books, go to, and click on the category of your choice.