Passive Security Concepts
Building Layout
Avoid blind spots, corners, and cubby holes.
Locate administrative and teacher preparation offices within major circulation areas (i.e., corridors, cafeteria, bus drop-off, parking) to provide visual supervision.
Develop spatial relationships so there are natural transitions from one location to another.
Locate toilets in close proximity to classrooms.
Design toilets to balance the need for privacy with the ability to supervise.
Locate areas likely to have significant community use close to parking. Ensure these areas can be closed off from the rest of the building.
Provide for natural integration of students and staff.
Give offices external exits.
Widen stairwells in two-story buildings.
Create the ability to partition unused portions of building.
Include elevator(s) in two-story buildings.
Landscaping, Playing/Practice Fields, and Lighting
Use high trees and low bushes (less than three feet high) to deter hiding.
Use aesthetically pleasing fencing around the perimeter of the building.
Place a tree buffer along the perimeter of the property to avoid extensive fencing.
Use non-intrusive lighting in all areas (not correctional-type lighting).
Install emergency lighting/power in hallways, stairwells, and rooms.
Provide security lighting around building and parking lots with photocell timer that has on/off switch.
Separate athletic fields from informal gathering areas.
Locate athletic facilities away from building site to avoid vehicular and pedestrian conflicts.