ASCD’s Newest Professional Development Publications Support Best Practices for Educators

Alexandria, Va. ASCD, a global community dedicated to excellence in learning, teaching, and leading, announced today the release of four new professional development titles that share best practices in literacy, grading, and coaching. As educators plan for the upcoming school year, they will find support in implementing effective strategies that enhance professional growth and lead to higher achievement among their students.

“These new resources offer educators the essentials they need to be effective in the key areas of literacy, critical reading of both literary and informational text, and using testing and grading for learning,” said ASCD's Acting Executive Director Judy Seltz. “Each of these is critical to teacher and student success. We hope educators apply these practices in their planning and instruction so that students are fully engaged in their learning.”

New Professional Development Books
Read, Write, Lead: Breakthrough Strategies for Schoolwide Literacy Success: Mentor teacher and instructional coach Regie Routman shares proven methods on how teachers and principals can ensure effective literacy instruction for all K–12 students, including second-language and struggling learners.  Routman shares best practices for teaching reading and writing skills that reduce the need for intervention, offers tips on giving productive feedback to accelerate student and teacher learning, and provides a foundation for building professional literacy communities that help educators create sustainable school change. ($37.95 print)

Total Literacy Techniques: Tools to Help Students Analyze Literature and Informational Texts: Building on ASCD’s best-selling book Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner, authors Pérsida Himmele and William Himmele worked with National Board-certified teacher Keely Potter to develop more than 50 teacher-tested tools and techniques that help students read independently and critically. These tools will help educators engage students to discuss and write about literature and informational texts clearly and cogently. ($28.95 print)

Grading Smarter, Not Harder: Assessment Strategies That Motivate Kids and Help Them Learn: Educator Myron Dueck shares his experience in revamping assessment procedures while offering lessons, anecdotes, and cautionary tales that address students’ understanding of content.  Educators will learn practical strategies for ensuring that grades measure students’ knowledge, for designing and distributing unit plans, for creating a flexible and modular retesting system, and for examining the fairness and effectiveness of grading homework and assignments.  ($28.95 print) Read a sample chapter.

New ASCD AriasTM publications
An ASCD Arias publication is about 50 pages long and answers a crucial and timely "How do I . . . ?" question. Available in print and e-book formats, these titles contain original, stand-alone content that educators can read in one sitting and immediately apply to practice. These convenient and succinct publications offer the expertise of education thought leaders, experienced practitioners, and researchers.

  • Learning From Coaching: How do I work with an instructional coach to grow as a teacher? Educator and instructional coach Nina Morel tackles common questions and concerns about instructional coaching, including how to fit it into the school day and how to develop a productive relationship. Morel includes real coaching scenarios and classroom-tested strategies, along with troubleshooting tips.  Educators will learn about the benefits of coaching, what to expect from a coach, how to set goals, and ways to build a supportive relationship that leads to teacher satisfaction, professional growth, and student achievement. ($12.99 print or $6.99 e-book)

To learn more about our books program or to read sample chapters from selected books, visit For more information about ASCD, visit or read the 2013 Annual Report.


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