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WIN Learning Publishes White Paper on the Importance of Rigor, Relevance and Real-World Applications in Math Classrooms

Kingston, Tenn. (PRWEB) — Research shows that connecting students’ classes to their future and to real-world careers inspires them to work harder in school. Yet, when it comes to math, many schools struggle with how to best provide these connections for students. To help educators make learning relevant in a subject that students often question as irrelevant, WIN Learning today announces the publication of a new white paper titled, “Mathematic Rigor and Relevant Career Experiences.”

The paper explores today’s changing workplace, where the skills expected for many entry-level jobs are at a higher level than the current academic skills required for a high school education. It also examines the types of knowledge, skills and abilities needed by business and industry, particularly in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) areas, and what it means to be a career- and college-ready student.

With this paper, educators can gain insight into how to add more academic rigor and relevance to their instruction to create career- and college-ready classrooms. It describes how using career clusters and pathways can help students discover and pursue their interests. It also outlines how career-infused math instruction and project-based learning can support self-directed, engaged learning.

“To boost students’ understanding of — and appreciation for — math, they need to see how the concepts relate to the workplace and to the larger society in which they will live and work. Yet, too many classrooms still focus on the rote learning of facts, rather than how math actually fits into day-to-day jobs,” said Dr. Teresa Chasteen, CEO of WIN Learning. “Exposing middle and high school students to math in a real-life career context helps them better grasp the concepts they’re learning and recognize the benefits of their course work. With rigorous, relevant instruction and tools such as WIN Math, we can show students how and why math matters.”

WIN Math is a career-based, middle and high school mathematics curriculum aligned to Common Core State Standards and local state objectives. With personalized instruction through a project-based framework, students apply concepts tied to real-life scenarios and lessons in the context of relevant career opportunities. Each learning module aligns curriculum standards and projects to 16 different career clusters, with special emphasis on high-demand careers. This bridge between standards and real-world projects makes learning math concepts relevant to each student’s life.

For a free copy of the white paper, visit

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