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SIIA Releases Educator Survey and Market Reports

Washington, D.C. — The Education Technology Industry Network (ETIN) of SIIA (@SIIAEducation) releases the 2015 Vision K-20 Educator Survey Report and the Behind the Data Report. The 2015 Vision K-20 Survey Report measures the progress toward technology and e-learning adoption, and the Behind the Data Report is an extension of ETIN’s annual vendor survey on the PreK-12 U.S. Education Technology Market. 

SIIA Releases 2015 Vision K-20 Educator Survey Report
Findings include an increasing use of data and need for technology in K-20 educational institutions
Washington, D.C.  – The Education Technology Industry Network (ETIN) of SIIA today released the 2015 Vision K-20 Survey Report, its eighth annual national survey measuring U.S. educational institutions’ self-reported progress toward technology and e-learning adoption. The findings were released at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference. The survey finds that K-20 education institutions are making slow but steady progress toward reaching their instructional and operational goals through the use of technology, including increased use of student data.

SIIA Releases Behind the Data Report Showing Shift in Online Course Definition
Large Reported Revenue Increase Explained by Changing Models
Washington, D.C.  – The Education Technology Information Network (ETIN) of SIIA, the principal trade association for the software and digital content industries, today released the second report in a new series of Behind the Data publications titled, PreK-12 Online Course Market. This report was researched and written by John Richards and Leslie Stebbins of Consulting Services for Education, Inc. and is an extension of ETIN’s annual vendor survey on the PreK-12 U.S. Education Technology Market, which reports the size of the market for school software, content and digital services.

To view the Executive Summary of the Vision K-20 Educator Survey Report, visit To access the Behind the Data Report, visit

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