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International Student Insurance Launches Sexual Assault Awareness Video

JACKSONVILLE, FL – International Student Insurance (ISI) is proud to announce the launch of its third video, “Sexual Assault Awareness for International Students.” Together with its very popular “US Healthcare System” and “Mental Health Awareness” videos, these five- to six-minute videos are a valuable resource for schools that need to address these difficult and complex issues with international students from around the world. Sexual assault on campus has received a lot of media attention over the last few years, and although there are many good resources on the topic of sexual assault for U.S. students, the new ISI video addresses the topic with the cultural differences and backgrounds of international students in mind.

“As many as 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men will be assaulted during their college life, according to Not Alone, the White House Task Force report that was published in 2014,” says Ross Mason, vice president of International Student Insurance. “Other reports have put the numbers even higher. International students in particular need to understand how to protect themselves and to be aware of the laws and ethical standards in the U.S.A., as they can vary around the world. Our video is designed to provide them with all the important concepts so they are well armed with the facts.”

Similar to the previous ISI videos, the new “Sexual Assault Awareness” video is designed to provide international students with the core definition of what sexual assault is, teach students about the important concept of consent, arm students with ways they can prevent an assault from happening and lastly help them understand what options they have and the obligations on their school to help if an assault does occur.

“The video series we have been developing is part of a wider plan to offer our expertise to the international education market,” comments Mr. Mason. “As experts in our field, with many years of international education and international insurance expertise, we want to help educate not only international students, but also equip educators with high-quality resources that were made just for them. Our videos are one way in which we do this, and make a good addition to the other international student insurance resources that we have developed.”

The new “Sexual Assault Awareness” video is available online, and schools are free to use the video at orientation or embed the video onto their website. You can also learn more about ISI’s comprehensive resources through these pages:

About Envisage International Corporation, the parent company of International Student Insurance
Envisage International Corporation (EIC) is a leader in international education marketing, running a network of internationally recognized websites and providing unique products and services that meet the needs of students and organizations from around the world. With focus purely on international education, EIC provides expert solutions for international student recruiting, student loans and student health and travel insurance.

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