The following is a company-submitted press release and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Spaces4Learning.

Call for Applications Now Open for the 2019 Vernier/NSTA Technology Awards

Beaverton, Ore. — Vernier Software & Technology and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) are now accepting applications for the 2019 Vernier/NSTA Technology Awards. This annual awards program recognizes seven educators—one elementary teacher, two middle school teachers, three high school teachers, and one college-level educator—for their innovative uses of data-collection technology in the science classroom. Each winner will be chosen by a panel of NSTA-appointed experts and will receive $1,000 in cash, $3,000 in Vernier products, and up to $1,500 toward expenses to attend the annual NSTA National Conference in St. Louis on April 11 through 14, 2019.

All current K–12 and college science educators need to apply by Dec. 17. “We always love hearing from educators about the creative and exciting ways they are using data-collection technology to engage students,” said John Wheeler, CEO of Vernier Software & Technology. “Now in its 16th year, the Vernier/NSTA Technology Awards provides a great opportunity for educators to showcase these noteworthy projects for a chance to win prizes that further support their classroom teaching.” Last year’s Vernier/NSTA Technology Award winners used data-collection technology in a variety of innovative ways, including modeling complex space systems, studying the community’s impact on Lake Erie, analyzing the oxygen use of goldfish, investigating the impact of climate change on maples trees, and more.

 For more information and to prepare your 2019 entry, visit

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