Rural Wisconsin Districts Seek Early School Start

Rural school districts in Wisconsin have asked the state to begin school earlier than usual citing concerns that the pandemic has interfered with student progress, reports the Wisconsin State Journal

Eleven out of the 421 public school districts in the state have applied for a waiver to begin school in August. State law prohibits public schools from starting before Sept. 1. 

The districts who applied for the waiver are: Alma Center-Humbird-Merrillan, Brillion, Cornell, Greenwood, Kickapoo, Melrose-Mindoro, Peshtigo, Rice Lake, Stanley-Boyd, Wausaukee and Webster.

“Since so many families do not have access to internet or their internet isn’t always reliable, especially for video transmission, we want to get an early start to the year so if we have to shut down for a while, hopefully we won’t have to do as many virtual learning days and still be done with school by June,” Paul Schley, superintendent of the Cornell School District, told the Wisconsin State Journal. 

Other school districts cited that an early school year would allow for a jump on school construction planned next summer, a chance for teachers and students to reconnect, and extra time off incorporated into the school year if adjustments are needed. 

About the Author

Yvonne Marquez is senior editor of Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].


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