New Construction

Georgia Gwinnett College Gateway Building Nears Completion

A construction project at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, Ga., is on track for its November 2024 completion date, according to a news release. The Gateway Project includes two separate buildings: a convocation center (or the gateway building), and a central plant. The Gateway Project covers a total 72,280 square feet and includes student services like wellness, recreation, food service, convocation, and events. It will also play home to the university’s central energy plant; a separate component of the project involves the construction of a Convocation Center.

The project’s infrastructure portion involves replacing individual buildings’ HVAC units with a scalable central cooling system and underground distribution network. The upgrade to central utilities will offer more redundancy and flexibility in future-facing campus infrastructure projects.

The college partnered with architects SSOE Group and Hughes Group Architects, engineer RMF Engineering, and general contractor Carroll Daniel Construction.

About the Author

Matt Jones is senior editor of Spaces4Learning. He can be reached at [email protected].

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