A staple in office environments, task chairs, computer tables and other ergonomic furniture allows comfort while avoiding injuries. Are students ready for ergonomic equipment in their environment?
Securing appropriate funding can take many forms, but cooperation is critical in virtually all cases.
Unfortunately, many district and state standards, guidelines, allowable square footages and funding formulas are still based on past history — defining capacity for what was, not for what is. Like it or not, it is time to redo!
- By Deborah P. Moore
- 08/01/06
For many, a drive on Chicago's famed Lake Shore Drive is an architectural adventure.
- By Sandy McCullough
- 08/01/06
In the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, community Nexus centers can be an important tool for engaging the community in neighborhood and community planning. But the need for a more collaborative approach to planning is also endemic to cities and n
- By Steven Bingler
- 08/01/06
Millennial students are used to communicating with others through technological devices. Why not use one of their favorites — television — for campus communications?
- By Wellington Desouza
- 08/01/06
States across the country use facilities guidelines to accomplish a number of goals.
Those of you who know me seldom, if ever, find me at a loss for words, but all I could say when I left her office was WOW!
- By Deborah P. Moore
- 07/01/06
It might seem that the designs for school restrooms and locker rooms would be a fairly straightforward, even generic, exercise, but these three architects say those rooms require a considerable amount of analysis and planning.
- By Thomas C. Dolan
- 07/01/06
Today, our students often require a higher level of service because they have grown up in a time where everything is new, improved, faster, more flavorful and can all be accessed in many different locations.
- By Michael G. Steger
- 07/01/06
Internalizing the tactical site survey process can save time, trouble, money and, in some cases, even the lives of students, employees and visitors.
Comprehensive safety planning can reinforce a school's investment in student success both within and beyond the institution.
- By David S. Borrelli
- 07/01/06
The hot way to cool in Europe, displacement ventilation has found a niche in the K-12 market. Is the technology ready to graduate to higher education?
The hot way to cool in Europe, displacement ventilation has found a niche in the K-12 market. Is the North American market ready to graduate to this technology?
How school districts are improving security by piecing together digital systems.
- By Michael Fickes
- 07/01/06
Let the voices of the past provide lessons to help you avoid potential pitfalls of emergency preparedness and response.
- By Michael S. Dorn
- 07/01/06
How school districts are improving security by piecing together digital systems.
- By Michael Fickes
- 07/01/06
A Web search for college or university construction standards reveals a wide range of guidelines and specifications.
- By Shannon O'Connor
- 07/01/06
During a renovation or new construction, it may be tempting to cut costs in locker areas in favor of thesefront-of-the-gym” features, but that can be a big mistake.
Applying successful design strategies during school renovations, rebuilds and restorations can help balance community values and fulfill educational needs.
VoTec School makes simple changes to improve HVAC system maintenance and upgrade IAQ, and wins clean air award from National Air Filtration Association.