Here's how administrators at Spokane Public Schools make sure all teachers have the furniture they need.
College and university technology managers are struggling to teach campus planners and architects how facility design can help and hinder emerging technologies.
- By Michael Fickes
- 08/01/05
The results from a new survey of the largest K-12 public school districts in the nation indicate that the school systems that had model five-year master plans were more likely to have fewer problems in the school construction process.
Asking the right questions before selecting flooring will allow you to navigate through the virtually limitless options available in the marketplace.
- By Tricia Trick-Eckert
- 08/01/05
Evaluate school safety information with a critical eye to the future as well as the past.
Investing in all kinds of technology makes sense for many reasons, not the least of which include improved education, productivity and efficiency for real financial savings.
Today's college students want their surroundings to shout retro but deliver modern amenities. Here's how you can pull it off.
- By Julie Sturgeon
- 08/01/05
Time was, interior designs for schools imitated the worst examples of institutional blandness. But times change.
- By Michael Fickes
- 08/01/05
Too little thinking goes into the development of new concepts and new understanding of how children learn, concepts that often are spoken about by teachers, principals and others but are seldom reflected in the schools we build.
Good schools are the foundation of a healthy community. Unfortunately, too many schools are planned by architects and administrators without community input or involvement.
When combined with other safety strategies, CPTED can be an awesome tool to help create welcome and safe learning environments.
- By Michael S. Dorn
- 08/01/05
Campus auxiliary services are an integral part of a college's or university's ultimate goal: educating students.
- By Bruce A. Jacobs, Jeffrey S. Pittman
- 08/01/05
Whether you are building a new school or maintaining an existing facility, you are going to be faced with questions about what is your best bet concerning the roof.
Occasional introspection, as well as a generous dose of some backyard psychoanalysis of successful Facilities Managers around me, has allowed me to develop a"profile" of the typical O&M Facilities Manager in higher education.
Is it time to raze the roof? Looking for acool” alternative? College Planning & Management looks up for re-roofing options
The best way to avoid pitfalls and complaints is to have a system-wide master plan that is comprised of these six essential elements.
- By Philip J. Poinelli
- 08/01/05
The K-12 plan model can provide a useful framework for colleges and universities wishing to make sure they have viable and high-quality safety plans.
- By Michael S. Dorn
- 07/01/05
Public school facilities are being designed and used in many areas to be shared with the community, which makes perfect sense, but it does raise some design issues about locker rooms and restrooms.
- By Michael Fickes
- 07/01/05
One day, a colleague called to complain about sea gulls that were making numerous deposits on his tenants and their automobiles. He indicated that this was our problem to correct since the gulls were using our middle school as home.
Are computer laboratories needed in elementary schools? Three separate incidents have me thinking about this question.
In-room washers and dryers, energy-efficient equipment, more stylish common laundry rooms, on-line monitoring, and other trends in student laundries.
- By Michael Fickes
- 07/01/05