School facilities are expensive to build, and they become even more expensive if they are not properly maintained. That is why capital planning and budgeting are essential tools for districts.
- By Jonathan S. Aldis
- 07/01/05
It probably should come as no surprise, but a study reported in the June 2005 issue of The Lancet, a monthly medical journal published in London, says that exposure to high levels of aircraft noise can impair the development of reading skills and memory r
- By Robert Kravitz
- 07/01/05
When properly managed, mold doesn't have to damage health and buildings. It requires diligence and a proactive response to moisture intrusion.
The question is, where will the additional funds come from? The answer — many schools are changing their buying habits to ensure the mostbang for the buck.”
Strong beginnings begin with sound planning at the outset, and there is no better tool than an institutional review.
- By Dr. Scott D. Miller, Thomas R. Kepple
- 07/01/05
Privatization, outsourcing, farming out — by any term you choose, colleges and universities are using this tool to find significant dollar savings.
- By Julie Sturgeon
- 07/01/05
Never before has the success of the learning enterprise been more important than it is today.
- By Steven Bingler
- 07/01/05
College and university officials are faced with using first-time or life-cycle costs when selecting products or systems for a facility, and deciding which way to go is very much on a case-by-case basis.
Appropriate levels of safety can only exist when high-level administrators can frankly address safety risks.
- By Michael S. Dorn
- 06/01/05
Searching a student for weapons is a deadly game of Russian Roulette, with innocent people often paying the price for this dangerous practice along with those who chose to gamble with the lives of others.
Turf battles are one of the most unpleasant aspects of keeping schools safe.
Here is expert information and solutions on accessibility issues for all school administrators.
While dual enrollment programs are not problem-free, families trying to find a way the pay for a college education consider them a godsend.
- By Deborah P. Moore
- 05/01/05
Technology affects square footage allocations, furniture, spatial relationships and infrastructure program requirements, and has a huge impact on the overall cost of your facility.
If kindergarten is going to be just another place where children are taught to read and write, if there is no longer time and space for play, for sharing, for experiencing art and music and just having fun, when will children learn these really important
Here are 11 things to consider when hiring a design professional for your next facility project.
School projects require that design professionals look for opportunities to link indoor and outdoor space in ways that encourage active use and socialization.
- By Jennifer Schab
- 05/01/05
Campuses are developing ways to profit from students' caffeine cravings.
- By Julie Sturgeon
- 05/01/05
Whether driving force or emerging opportunity, sustainable design influences many academic projects.
- By Scott Simpson, Chris Leary
- 05/01/05
Building green is an opportunity to use resources efficiently while creating healthier buildings.
Portable room dividers make it easy to manage educational spaces that need to be able to adapt to different venues and changing teaching methods.