When a president announces that he or she is leaving, an institution is forced into a transition period. The good news is that this transition can be a time of growth and redefinition.
Using the correct school HVAC designs can improve indoor air quality and create a more
healthful environment for
teachers and students.
- By Michael Fickes
- 02/01/04
<strong>To see the full report, please click on Research and Reports under the Resources heading.</strong>
In the pursuit of facility equity, standards form the measuring guide for the assessment and forecasting processes. Setting detailed physical and functional standards can provide a real understanding of how existing school facilities compare within their
- By Miriam Bentley
- 02/01/04
<strong>While recovery from a disaster is not something you can perfectly plan for, Hurricane Isabel's ability to produce high winds, knock out electricity and cause flooding offers disaster preparedness lessons for all campus administrators.
Fifty-six volunteers, including school administrators, teachers, parents and design and hardware professionals contributed to create standards for classroom acoustics.
- 02/01/04
January's column examined basic concepts of chemical attacks. In this column, we explore the more complex arena of using biological weapons as tools of terrorism.
Nontraditional teaching and learning methods, as well as design components in new and renovated school facilities, are requiring a rethinking of classroom furnishings.
- 02/01/04
<strong>Today's students want furniture that reminds them of home . . . but not their grandparents' house.</strong>
- By Julie Sturgeon
- 02/01/04
A well-engineered ventilation
system can improve IAQ and
dramatically lower energy
- 02/01/04
With inside crime increasing, controls that worked so well before may not apply any longer.
<strong>As campuses change, lack of space and the blending of academic and nonacademic life are making multifunctional buildings more common. </strong>
- By Christopher Hill, Robert Brown
- 02/01/04
Here's a look at how five school districts are maintaining newer facilities to stave off deferred maintenance issues.
<strong>Campus cards open doors to new applications -- and revenue -- for colleges and universities.</strong>
- By Michael Fickes
- 02/01/04
Technology purchases should not occur unless someone can provide supporting data and proof that the expenditure of dollars will result in a
specific outcome
Right now, green roofs are rare in the U.S., but a Chicago Public School program may help bring green roofs into wider use.
- By Michael Fickes
- 01/01/04
<strong>Carpet is piling high in our nation's landfills, and students are taking notice. What can you and your university do to reduce, reuse and recycle?</strong>
<strong>Business Column</strong>
- By James L. Fisher, Dr. Scott D. Miller
- 01/01/04
<strong>Disasters lead to more innovations in glass and window designs - even beyond what universities need today.</strong>
- By Julie Sturgeon
- 01/01/04
<strong>From being "green" to being clean, from campus planning to design/build trends, interior design, safety/security and more- here's what's ahead for colleges and universities as they make plans to finance and meet the ever-changing de
Comments from experts about what is happening in the areas of architecture, ADA, business, construction, energy management and interior design as they relate to K-12 school facilities.
- 01/01/04