Business (Managing Higher Ed)
A new program on the campus of Long Island University taps into an equestrian legacy to prepare students for careers in a burgeoning industry.
- By Danielle Mastromarino Bucci
- 01/01/15
Facilities (Campus Spaces)
Outdoor learning environments support education and will continue to do so well into the future. Here are some tips for planning your next space, along with idea-building success stories.
Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)
Geographical information system technology (GIS) supports emergency preparedness and disaster recovery.
Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)
Don't plan for the last disaster — plan for the next disaster.
- By KSQ Architects
- 01/01/15
Technology (Innovations for Education)
Leveraging visual communications to inform, protect and collaborate across the campus.
Facilities (Learning Spaces)
Learning comes alive in outdoor classrooms.
Facilities (Leaning Spaces)
The challenges of making a high school feel "old yet new."
Facilities (Learning Spaces)
Furniture is an important and effective design component when planning and creating these learning spaces.
Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)
Doors, door hardware and emergency lighting are vital components of a secure campus environment.
Business (Managing Higher Ed)
Intelligent buildings are the future but they don’t come cheap. Life-cycle costing can help justify the expense, so why aren't more schools doing it?
Facilities (Learning Spaces)
Here's a look at the past, present and future technologies that create intelligent schools.
Tech 2015: Integrating Technology and Space
The challenges involved in one district's journey to wireless technology.
- By W. Wesley Watts, Jr.
- 12/01/14
Integrating Technology and Space
The products that physically support technology — lecterns, carts, cabinets and mounts — are an important component to consider when integrating technology into campus spaces.
Facilities (Learning Spaces)
Baltimore high school creates new opportunities for the students and the community.
Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)
School security begins at the front door.
- By Patrick V. Fiel, Sr.
- 12/01/14
Integrating Technology and Space
Technology is reshaping campus space, not replacing it.
Facilities (Campus Spaces)
Selecting and installing the ideal flooring for any given campus environment involves the consideration of a host of options, from cost to color, materials and maintenance, and more.
Integrating Technology and Space
A new state-of-the-art residence hall at Eastern Washington University is wired to distribute TV on Cat 6, WiFi, telephone and more.
- By Richard Parrish
- 12/01/14
Tech 2015: Integrating Technology and Space
Know exactly what you want and need before you make your purchases.
- By Danielle Przyborowski
- 12/01/14
Facilities (Learning Spaces)
A few things to consider when selecting new flooring.
Concrete can be a key element in a strong, sustainable and attractive building envelope.
- By Brandon Barrett
- 11/01/14