It's time to take control of what you are spending on shipping costs. Since 2006, Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) has saved our taxpayers over $1 million negotiating our own transportation contracts.
Cost-effective and efficient maintenance and housekeeping operations begin at the programming and design stages of residence hall construction projects.
Doing it right can save money and please the district and community.
Rewarding students for staying the course.
Strong opinions aside, the truth is that many school districts outsource one or more services, and for reasons that include financial savings, as well as enhancing organizational flexibility, economies of scale, risk avoidance and access to capital invest
Here are five metrics for establishing and tracking performance and customer satisfaction in your outsourced campus services.
Less work, good prices and higher-quality goods and services -- sounds great, but it doesn't always work great. While purchasing cooperatives will reduce your workload, there is still plenty of work to do. You have to select the right cooperative