ClassMate® by Airedale: IAQ Solution for Today and Tomorrow

This case study revolves around District 118 Danville School District in Danville, Illinois. The schools there needed a heating, cooling, and ventilation solution to replace outdated steam systems in several buildings. Their primary goal was to create a comfortable, safe, and healthy environment for students and staff, with reliable performance, quiet operation, and superior indoor air quality (IAQ) as top priorities. School Facility Director was also looking for a cost-effective, long-lasting solution that would simplify maintenance and avoid distributing contaminants through extensive ductwork and filters.

The ClassMate® Cooling and Heat Pump by Airedale proved to be the ideal solution for Danville schools. These units are designed to provide individual control and comfort in each classroom while being energy-efficient, quiet, and occupying a small footprint. The ClassMate® units checked all of schools’ requirements and were simple to maintain, operate, and repair.

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