White Papers, Viewpoints and Case Studies

Getting Started with VRF

VRF Technology Brings Comfort and Efficiency to Classrooms

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) zoned technology is an energy-efficient, all-electric heating and air conditioning option for commercial and light commercial spaces, such as education facilities. In our white paper, Getting Started with VRF you’ll learn more about the technology and its unique requirements and benefits.

Campus Operations During the Pandemic

Campus Operations During the Pandemic

A deeper dive into mailroom operations at colleges and universities in the United States

Cafeteria Tables Case Study

BioFit Cafeteria Tables Case Study

This study details why BioFit tables were selected by Washington State's Capital Region Education Service District to outfit cafeterias in its 5-county/44-school-district territory to help eliminate worker risk after a loss of nearly $400,000 in workers' compensation claims related to table-use injuries and steady growth forecast for its K-12 population.

COVID19 Sign Kit

Free COVID-19 Sign Kit

COVID-19 is threatening the health and well-being of students and teachers all across the United States. Schools are finally getting back to learning and students, and teachers are coming back into close contact with each other increasing the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19 in schools.

Everything You Need to Know About Cyberbullying

Everything You Need to Know About Cyberbullying

Protecting students from digital harassment is a critical part of supporting positive mental health and promoting academic success. Gaggle’s newly updated eBook, Everything You Need to Know About Cyberbullying, includes a variety of tools and resources to help educators combat cyberbullying in schools and protect students online.

parcel lockers

Higher Ed Reinvents Package Delivery with Intelligent Lockers: A Requirement, not an Amenity

Universities are being challenged like never before to create a special and safe campus life experience, and now services like convenient, touchless package pickup is not only expected, it’s an imperative component to a safe campus. Learn how you can provide peace of mind, and a special experience for your students.

Back to School and College Quick Start Guide

COVID-19 Back to Learning Guides

Schools and Universities are finally getting back to learning and students and teachers are coming into close contact with each other increasing the risk of spreading covid-19 as well as the need to shut down schools. These FREE guides can help students and teachers stay healthy this school year.

Smart Opportunities for Savings

Smart Opportunities for Savings: Navigating the Facilities Budget Shortfall

As institutions continue to feel squeezed by the economic impacts of COVID-19, facilities leaders need to find smart opportunities for savings: Short-term budget reductions that continue the institution’s progress toward its long-term goals. Download this eBook for guidance, practical advice and tips for creating broad support for proposed changes.

The State of Student Safety

Through the Gaggle Lens: The State of Student Safety

Gaggle's annual student safety report highlights key trends in harmful student behavior during the 2019–2020 school year. This report reveals the frequency of these behaviors among students nationwide so K-12 leaders are aware of these threats and can take steps to address them.

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More