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Deloitte and Sally Ride Science Launch Award for Teaching Innovation in STEM

San Diego, Calif. — Sally Ride Science today announced the launch of a new national award program for teaching innovation in STEM, to be sponsored by Sally Ride Science and Deloitte. The Sally Ride-Deloitte Award for Teaching Innovation in STEM is open to all K-12 educators in the U.S. and recognizes innovations in instruction related to science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) as well as STEM careers. First prize will include a $5,000 cash award to an educational institution chosen by the winning educator. Two second prizes of $2,500 each and five prizes of $1,000 each will also be awarded to institutions designated by the winners.

First and second place winners will also be able to designate schools to receive a free one-year subscription for a Sally Ride Site License, which equips a school with teacher training, teacher activity guides, and individual eBook subscriptions for all students to the Sally Ride Cool Careers and Key Concepts eBook series, that promote student interest in STEM topics and careers.

Eligible entries for the Award may include a device, presentation, lesson plan, software, video, multimedia asset, mobile app, website, game, or other tool usable by teachers and/or students to enhance interest in, or understanding of, a STEM topic or career. The innovation may be intended for use within, or outside, conventional K-12 instructional settings. The Sponsors are especially encouraging entries of innovations that can be effective reaching diverse student populations that have often been under-represented in STEM fields. To learn more about the Award, visit:

All entries must be submitted through the Sally Ride STEM Central website. The submission deadline is October 31, 2014. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded in February, 2015. View the complete official contest rules.

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