The following is a company-submitted press release and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Spaces4Learning.

Students at Atlanta High School for Special Needs Recently Completed Specialized Computer Camp

Atlanta, Ga. — Atlanta high school for learning disabilities Cumberland Academy of Georgia was recently approached by LexisNexis to receive a week-long computer skills camp for students. The middle and high school students at Cumberland learned various aspects of computer coding and three programming languages, java, python and scratch. The week concluded with a special presentation to parents so the students could show off the new skills they learned.

The purpose of the camp was to teach students higher-level computer skills. LexisNexis approached Cumberland to present the camp and hired a special trainer to instruct the students. The celebration showcase at the end of the week was standing room only because so many parents and faculty came to see what the students learned.

“The Cumberland partnership with LexisNexis is so beneficial for our students. We love to continually find ways to challenge and enrich our curriculum,” said Debbi Scarborough, founding director of Cumberland Academy of Georgia. “This type of experience gave our students knowledge that is rarely offered in a school setting. This computer knowledge will help them transition into a career in the computer field. We are so grateful to LexisNexis for providing this amazing experience for our students.”

The piloted computer education program donated by LexisNexis was provided in addition to the normal school curriculum. The time and services were donated to the school for the program.

About Cumberland Academy of Georgia
Cumberland Academy of Georgia specializes in the needs of students in grades four through 12 who have high-functioning Autism, Asperger’s, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities. Cumberland was founded in 2007 by Debbi and Matthew Scarborough, and is a fully-accredited, independent, non-profit school that seeks to provide a safe and supportive academic atmosphere for its students. Cumberland accepts applications year-round. To schedule a family tour, please contact Terri Brooks, Director of Admissions at 404-835-9000 or send an email to [email protected]. To learn more about Cumberland Academy of Georgia, please visit

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