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Education Ranks Second Among Issues Influencing Voters

Nearly four out of 10 likely voters, 39 percent, say the economy is the number one issue influencing how they'll vote in the November elections, according to the latest Reason-Rupe national telephone poll. Perhaps surprisingly, education is the second most important issue to voters (16 percent), followed by foreign policy (15 percent), immigration (10 percent), and health care (10 percent). Democrats are twice as likely as Republicans to say education is the most important issue influencing their vote in the midterm elections, 25 percent to 12 percent. African Americans (36 percent) and Hispanics (25 percent) are more likely than Whites (14 percent) to rank education as their top issue. The Reason-Rupe national telephone poll conducted live interviews with 1,000 adults on cell phones (500) and landlines (500) August 6-10, 2014. The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3.7 percent and it was executed by Princeton Survey Research Associates International-the same firm that does the Pew polls.

You can find the Reason-Rupe poll here:

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