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"not MY kid" Launches National Back-to-School Campaign Encouraging Parents to Drug Test Their Kids

National non-profit organization notMYkid is giving away more than 4000 free home drug test kits, in more than a dozen U.S. cities.

Phoenix, AZ — With each new school year, kids will be required to pass a number of tests. None is more important than the test they’ll face when pressured to use drugs by their peers. Often a simple “no” isn’t enough to deflect peer pressure and allow a child to save face with their friends.

That’s why the national non-profit organization notMYkid ( is launching the “Back to School” substance abuse prevention campaign and encouraging parents to drug test their children. As part of the campaign, notMYkid is giving away more than 4000 free home drug test kits, in more than a dozen U.S. cities, thanks to a donation from First Check, the leader in home diagnostic testing.
“Talking to your kids is only the first step,” said Debbie Moak, founder of notMYkid and a mother who faced her own teen son’s addiction. “We need parents to take actions -- get on the same page, set consistent boundaries, drug test their kids, participate in their lives and most importantly, serve as positive role models. Through years of experience, notMYkid has found utilizing a drug test in the home helps kids avoid peer pressure situations by empowering them to say ‘No, I can’t, my parents drug test me.’”

“First Check Diagnostics has been a proud national sponsor of notMYkid for more than 10 years, thanks to the organization’s proven track record of successfully educating parents. Too often, parents have the "not my kid" mentality, thinking their kids will never try drugs. The truth is, most parents don't know their kids have begun using drugs until the kids are two years into the addictive behavior. First Check supports notMYkid as they help parents discourage their kids from using illegal drugs,” said Pamela Ricci, Associate Marketing Manager of First Check.

Downloadable Video Clips:

Clip #1: notMYkid co-founder Debbie Moak discusses the value of home drug testing as a prevention tool and a way for kids to deflect peer pressure to use drugs. (1:20)

Video Clip #2: notMYkid’s co-founder emphasizes the importance of awareness, education, and prevention in the battle against teen substance abuse. (:52)

Video Clip #3: notMYkid co-founder Debbie Moak encourages parents to make this school year a success and to make prevention a priority. (:43)

When parents choose to drug test their kids it accomplishes several important goals:

  1. Opens a dialogue between parents and kids to discuss the risks of drug use
  2. Helps kids avoid peer pressure situations by empowering them to say “No, I can’t, my parents drug test me”
  3. Alerts the parent if a child has recently used drugs so they can decide how to respond

Most parents are unaware that the average age for first-time drug experimentation is 13. When a child starts using drugs, it is typically two years before parents realize there is a problem.

notMYkid is coordinating local events and distribution efforts with local public safety agencies, schools and other organizations in more than a dozen communities across the U.S.. For a list of Cities, partners and local events visit

About notMYkid
Founded in 2000 by a Valley family to share their family’s experience with teen addiction, notMYkid is a Scottsdale-based non-profit dedicated to inspiring positive life choices by educating individuals and communities about the consequences of destructive youth behaviors such as substance abuse, body image, unhealthy relationships, bullying, depression, and internet safety. In an effort to promote prevention messages, notMYkid increases awareness of the challenges kids face, provides information and offers resources to support the success of students, families, and educators. For more information visit

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