The following is a company-submitted press release and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Spaces4Learning.

The Data Quality Campaign Statement on K–12 School Service Provider Pledge to Safeguard Student Privacy

Washington, D.C. — The Future of Privacy Forum and The Software & Information Industry Association today announced a pledge to safeguard student privacy. Following are the remarks of Aimee Rogstad Guidera, founder and executive director of Data Quality Campaign, a national nonprofit that advocates for the effective use of education data to improve student achievement:

“We know data won’t be used effectively if there is no trust that they will be safeguarded. I applaud the efforts of the service provider community to outline a clear set of commitments to protecting the privacy and security of our students’ personal information.

“School service provider signatories pledge not to sell student information, not to use student data for behavioral targeting of advertising, and to use data only for authorized education purposes. Education benefits from innovation; the creativity and new tools and resources developed by school service providers are critical to reaching our goal of preparing every child in this country for success. This pledge reinforces their commitment to the laws that guide them and the effective practices that ensure the success of the schools they support.

“When education data is used as a flashlight and not a hammer, parents can make the best education choices for their kids, teachers can tailor instruction and target interventions where needed, and education leaders can decide what resources each school needs. This will ensure every student is on track to success and that scarce education resources are well spent. Without data, we are flying blind.”

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