The following is a company-submitted press release and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Spaces4Learning.

Education Technology Pioneers Announced as Winners of SIIA Innovation Incubator Program

Companies Recognized as Top Innovators at the Education Business Forum

New York – The Education Division of the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) showcased some of the newest and most innovative products in the education technology market, and recognized the best among them as part of the Innovation Incubator program at the Education Business Forum, the leading business and finance conference for the K-12 and postsecondary education technology market, held Dec. 9-10 in New York City. A new award was introduced this year, the Faculty Choice Award, with SIIA Education Division Industry Partner eSchool Media.

View the list of winners online:

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    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More