Colorado Mountain College Wins Marketing, Public Relations Awards

GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO — Materials and a website created for Colorado Mountain College recently received three regional awards from the National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR). In addition, a Denver-based digital agency earned a fourth award from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for its work with the college.

Within NCMPR’s six-state District 4 region, the Colorado Mountain College marketing department won a gold Medallion certificate for its online marketing and advertising efforts.

The college received a silver Medallion award for the First Choice Review, in the category of foundation annual reports. The report was a collaboration among the college’s public information office, marketing department and the CMC Foundation, and was designed by Liz Litwiller of Squeeze Designz in Breckenridge. The college’s brand new version of the annual progress report, which has been renamed “Impact,” can be found at

BLKDG, pronounced Black Dog, formerly of the Roaring Fork Valley and now based in Denver, designed and developed the responsive website for the Isaacson School for New Media at Colorado Mountain College. That site,, won a silver Medallion. Costs for development of the website were underwritten by local philanthropist Jim Calaway.

In September, the Isaacson School website received an additional award. Again, BLKDG won a silver W3 award for best education website from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts based in New York. Through its W3 awards, AIVA recognizes the work of digital marketing professionals.

NCMPR is a professional development organization serving communications professionals at two-year colleges. Colorado Mountain College competes in the organization’s District 4, which includes Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas.
