Impact on Learning

Towson University

Project Snapshot

PROJECT: Burdick Intramural Field
INSTITUTION: Towson University
LOCATION: Baltimore, MD
COMPANY NAME: Keystone Purchasing Network


Towson University needed a lighting solution that would produce a brighter and more uniform light to the playing surface at Burdick Intramural Field. The university was also looking to reduce spill light from its previous installation to improve playability for students and eliminate neighbor complaints.

Towson University

Musco’s Light-Structure Green™ system — complete from foundation to pole top in 5 Easy Pieces™, cuts operating costs, reduces spill light and glare, eliminates maintenance with a 25-year warranty, provides constant light levels and includes system monitoring and remote on/off control services with 24/7 support.


Musco offered the Keystone Purchasing Network’s (KPN) contract for field lighting and delivered a solution that helped Towson University meet all of its goals. With Musco’s Light Structure Green solution, spill light and glare were vastly reduced at the university. Maintenance and operating costs were eliminated with Musco’s 25-year warranty that allows for 24/7 remote on/off control services and system monitoring.

Providing this solution for Towson University was possible in large part because of Musco’s bid-awarded contract with KPN, which greatly benefited the project. KPN is a national cooperative purchasing program that performs a public, sealed bid process and awards contracts to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Musco is one of many contracts that KPN’s members can utilize.

“Using KPN allowed for a faster procurement which greatly helped with this project since the planning, development and schedule were condensed for this work,” says Towson University Burdick Field Project Manager Jonathan Lindhorst.

Also, because of the location of the campus, the project encountered shallow rock that altered its foundation. Musco was able to redesign the footing and foundation of the light poles to work around the problem and meet the project’s installation schedule.

“The construction process for this project went very smooth. There were very few unknown circumstances that popped up throughout the project duration. This project has impacted the university in a very positive way,” Lindhorst says.


Towson is now able to program more intramurals activities without needing to worry about spill light and glare, improving playability on the field for students without disturbing neighbors.

“The new lighting installed is a terrific upgrade than what was previously existing,” Lindhorst says. “The previous lights had no cutoff shields to prevent light spillage. This was a problem for the neighbors around campus. The new lighting is more even and brighter than what previously existed and has cutoff shields that greatly reduce any light spillage to the neighbors around the university.”

Musco’s lighting solution will save Towson University nearly $500,000 over the next 25 years in maintenance and operating costs.

Editor's Review

The Lighting Research Center advises that fixed outdoor lighting supports nighttime activities, including recreation, and as with any lighting system outdoor lighting should maximize the benefits to people while minimizing cost. By doing its homework, Towson University arrived at a lighting solution for Burdick Intramural Field that uses state-of-the-art technology to successfully light the field and expand playability for students while also fostering an improved town-gown relationship by reducing light spillage to the surrounding neighborhood. Additionally, the solution impacts the university’s bottom line, saving money that can be used to further the educational goals of the institution.

This article originally appeared in the issue of .

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