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$1500 Car Safety Video Scholarship for 2016 Fall Semester

Safe Car InfoIn an effort to educate young drivers on the importance of car safety, announces a contest in which participants can enter to win one of three scholarships for the 2016 fall college semester. The prize amounts are $1,500, $1,000 and $500 respectively.

College students enrolled in a two- to four-year program during the 2016 fall semester who are interested in entering the video scholarship contest should make a 30-second to five-minute video telling their own car safety story. The video should be creative and convey a message related to the car safety topic. Videos can be humorous, passionate or simply honest — anything that might draw watchers in and make a difference in their lives.

Once the video is finished, it should be uploaded on the YouTube website, as well as on Facebook and one other social media platform of the participant’s choosing. The participant should then fill out the official application to enter the scholarship contest.

Three videos will be chosen from all submissions received, and the winners will receive $1,500, $1,000, and $500 respectively from for their inspirational work. Winners will be chosen based on originality, creativity and ultimately, the strength of the message delivered in their videos.

The deadline for entry into the Car Safety Video Scholarship Contest is December 5, 2015. Winners will be awarded on December 15, 2015.

Scholarship Contest Rules
In order to enter the video scholarship contest, contestants must meet several conditions.

  • Must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident of the United States.
  • Must attend a two- to four-year program with an accredited college during the 2016 fall semester.
  • The college or university must be listed on the U.S. Department of Education website as an accredited school.
  • No minimum GPA is required.
  • Must submit video via the official submission form located at, and must post the video on YouTube, Facebook and one other social media platform. Must also submit links to the video postings in the application.
  • Must provide proof of enrollment in an accredited college.
  • Only one submission per participant.
  • Participants can only win once. encourages all video scholarship participants to spread the word of this scholarship opportunity because they offer it to three winning students every semester. Encouraging young drivers to be safe behind the wheel, and helping them achieve more through this scholarship opportunity is something feels is of utmost importance. Students are asked to post the details of this video scholarship contest on school bulletin boards, in newsletters and on social media. is an online magazine designed to bring readers simple facts and straightforward news on road safety. With no particular agenda in mind other than to educate and inform, and no partnerships or affiliations within the transportation industry, strives to simply make U.S. roadways a safer place to be.

For more information on and the Car Safety Video Scholarship, please visit or email [email protected].

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