The following is a company-submitted press release and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Spaces4Learning.

Future Ready School Summit Dates Announced

Washington, D.C. – Future Ready Schools helps district leaders plan and implement personalized, research-based digital learning strategies so all students can achieve their full potential. We believe every student deserves a rigorous, personalized learning environment filled with caring adults and student agency. District leaders must recognize the potential of digital tools and align necessary technologies with instructional goals to support teaching and learning.

Future Ready is pleased to provide a new opportunity for school district Future Ready Project Managers. This in-depth one-day workshop offers hands-on training to participants with interest in learning about the Future Ready Dashboard 5 Step Planning Process. Participants will gain an understanding of the dashboard and its various components. Designed for individuals, not teams, this training will provide the project manager with tangible strategies for engaging team members in the effective use of the dashboard as an interactive, collaborative action planning tool.

Following is a list of upcoming workshops:
Salt Lake City, UT: September 8, 2016
Fort Thomas, KY: September 29, 2016
Albuquerque, NM: October 20, 2016
Washington, DC (DMV): November 1, 2016

Learn more at

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