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Grant Program Hosts Classroom Pet Habitat Contest

Pets in the Classroom invites teachers to submit pictures of the habitats of their classroom pets.

Abingdon, Md. — The Pets in the Classroom grant program invites pre-kindergarten through 8th grade teachers with classroom pets to enter the Pets in the Classroom Habitat Contest. September 19th through December 10th, teachers can submit pictures of their classroom pet’s habitat.  All entries are being featured on the Pets in the Classroom website, and people are invited to vote for their favorite habitat.  The teacher whose entry receives the most votes when the contest ends will be selected as one of the contest winners and one additional teacher will also be selected as a winner based on random selection.  Each winner will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card.

 “We encourage all teachers with a classroom pet to enter the habitat contest,” commented Steven T. King, Pet Care Trust Executive Director. “Your students will enjoy seeing their ‘classmate’ featured on the Pets in the Classroom website, and you will help other classes improve their pets' habitats with your ideas. Encourage parents, students and fellow teachers to vote for your habitat and you might win a $100 gift card!”

The Pets in the Classroom grant program provides grants to Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade teachers in both private and public schools for the purpose of purchasing and maintaining classroom pets.  Classroom animals are wonderful resources for teachers that, when incorporated into lesson plans, can have a profound impact.  Classroom pets not only provide excitement in the classroom, but they also benefit students by teaching them responsible, long-term pet care at an early age and providing the psychological and developmental benefits associated with the human-animal bond.  Studies have shown that caring for pets has a positive effect on children, improving school attendance and teaching children responsibility, as well as encouraging nurturing and building self-esteem.

For more information on the Pets in the Classroom grant program or the Habitat Contest, visit

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