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AASA Gains Resounding Support from State Affiliates on "Supplement Not Supplant" Provisions of ESSA

Alexandria, Va. – Today, AASA shared a letter with unanimous national support—signed by all of the state school superintendent associations—expressing their concerns with the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) proposed regulations related to the “Supplement Not Supplant” (SNS) provisions of Title I in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

As the national organization representing public school superintendents, AASA, The School Superintendents Association, is on record with its commitment to equity in education, strong support for ESSA and efforts to ensure ED’s regulations related to the legislation—including proposed regulations related to the SNS provision in Title I—are consistent with the underlying statute. ESSA is a statute premised on returning education decision making and leadership to the state and local level.

To read the letter, go to

By highlighting widespread concern at the state and local level, the letter shows how ED’s proposed regulations “represent new, far-reaching federal mandates dictating how local school districts spend their state and local funds and are in conflict with the spirit and intent of the underlying statute, which is premised on state and local control.”

“Nearly a year ago, I proudly stood in the White House when President Obama signed ESSA into law. We commended the President and Congress for their hard work, strong support and leadership to see this legislation become reality,” said Daniel A. Domenech, executive director, AASA. “At a time when a majority of our public school students are living in poverty, we feel ED’s current proposal would force school personnel to make the difficult decision of choosing compliance over meeting the needs of the students they serve. I wish to thank our state affiliates for crafting this letter and forwarding it to Secretary King.”

For more information, read The Leading Edge. For specific questions about ESSA implementation, please contact Noelle Ellerson, AASA associate executive director, policy and advocacy, at [email protected].

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