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Department of Education School Ambassador Fellowship Application is LIVE

Washington, D.C. — The U.S Department of Education (ED) is pleased to announce availability of the 2017-2018 School Ambassador Fellowship application. The application will close on January 23, 2017, at 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time. We appreciate your sharing the information with great educators in your network.

The 2017-2018 School Ambassador Fellowship application can be found here: and we highly encourage applicants to review the information on the School Ambassador Fellowship website: in anticipation of applying.

We want to highlight two exciting changes for the Ambassador Fellowship.

First, the School Ambassador Fellowship program is designed to broaden the Department’s Teaching Ambassador Fellowship and Principal Ambassador Fellowship programs to allow other professional school personnel — counselors, school librarians, parent liaisons, assistant principals, and others — to apply. Our goal is to create a cadre of outstanding educators to inform the program and policy work of the Department, while expanding their own knowledge and expertise as they participate and help lead the national education dialogue.

Second, we are excited to be moving to an online application system. It will assist with both ease of application completion and application review, while maintaining strict protection of any personally identifiable information (PIV). As in previous years, applicants can choose to apply as Washington Fellows — resident Fellows who work at the Department’s Headquarters in Washington, DC, for one year — or as Campus Fellows — maintaining their current school positions while participating as Fellows on a part-time basis over the course of one year. Further, the School Ambassador Fellowship will maintain the same application criteria and high standard as its predecessor programs, as well as ensure that all eligible applicants have daily interactions with both students and other educators in their home school settings.

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