Hot Tips (Deep Cleaning)

Deep Cleaning Tips for a Healthy Learning Environment

Cold winter months keep students and faculty indoors for longer hours, causing more dirt to accumulate throughout a facility and germs to spread easily. To combat the spread of infections and accumulation of debris tracked in during the winter, consider these tips to help promote student and faculty health, safety and productivity.

Deep clean carpets and floors.
Many schools have carpeted surfaces, which in addition to providing insulation and noise reduction, also acts as an air filter by trapping airborne pollutants. Periodically removing these pollutants through a deep cleaning process reduces heavy buildup that can affect allergy and asthma sufferers. Deep cleaning tile and grout can also improve safety by improving slip resistance.

HVAC cleaning.
Coil cleaning within heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units kills bacteria, mold and mildew, leading to improved indoor air quality, airflow and temperature accuracy, while removing potential odors.

Maintain mats.
Mats trap dirt and moisture from tracked in snow and rain, protecting school floors from damage and limiting slips and falls — as long as they are properly maintained. Caring for mats extends their lifespan and ensures they capture contaminants. Schools can also customize mats with a mascot or logo to promote school spirit.

Sanitize high-touch surfaces.
To limit the spread of germs throughout a school, regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces within classrooms, libraries, cafeterias, gymnasiums and other frequently used areas such as railings and door handles.

This article originally appeared in the issue of .

About the Author

John Engel is director of Marketing for Cintas' Facility Services division. For more information about Cintas’ clean offerings for facilities, visit