Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Smart ID Cards Save Time

students using ScholarChip

Legacy High School was able to decrease their attendance taking time dramatically with the use of ScholarChip smart ID Cards.

ScholarChip, the largest provider of smart ID cards for K-12 schools, announces that Legacy High School (LHS), in Bismarck, N.D., has dramatically decreased the time required to take large group classroom attendance, from 20 minutes to about four minutes, an 80-percent decrease.

Legacy High School implemented module scheduling similar to college-level classes; they offer lecture courses in the auditorium, up to 150 students per class. When the teacher used a traditional roll call in this environment, it took up to 20 minutes per class period, which is completely impractical.

Each student now carries a ScholarChip smart ID card; when they tap a reader positioned at one of four auditorium entrances they are immediately counted as “present.”

It now takes about four minutes to obtain attendance for each class period, an 80-percent decrease in time.

LHS assistant principal Ryan Riehl says, “We’re excited to use this new tool in our building. We continue to fine tune how we operate our new school and ScholarChip will be a great asset to us.”

Bismarck Public Schools is the largest school district in the state; Legacy High School opened in August 2015.

It is energy-efficient and tech-ready with natural light and safety features throughout the school.

Its Personalized Flex Schedule allows students to learn in large groups and smaller learning labs.

Automating attendance at Legacy High School begins with ScholarChip’s ID Manager, used to photograph and print customized smart ID cards. Smart ID card-based automation allows administrators to keep schools more secure; they can monitor attendance in real time, which can be vital in the case of emergency or lockdown.

Reports generated also aid data-driven operation decisions, which increase efficiency.

This article originally appeared in the issue of .