University of Wyoming Breaks Ground for Science Initiative Facility

The University of Wyoming (UW) in Laramie, WY, and state elected officials broke ground recently for a new facility that will enable world-class research and education in pillars of Wyoming’s present and future economy.

University of Wyoming

The Science Initiative facility will contain a 200-seat active-learning classroom, along with state-of-the-art research and laboratory space to support scientific imaging, biological, and greenhouse research. The initiative emphasizes collaboration among multiple disciplines by assembling researchers into a single complex with shared instrumentation, technical support and collaboration spaces.

Through life and data sciences research that impacts areas including mineral extraction, agriculture, tourism, resource management, and high technology, the Science Initiative will have direct economic impact through efficient translation of ideas to the marketplace. Combined with the Tier-1 Engineering Initiative, the Science Initiative’s multidisciplinary research will propel UW into national prominence as a center for economically driven, research-based education in science, engineering, technology and mathematics.

The $100 million project—$85 million from state appropriations, $15 million from UW reserves—is scheduled for completion in early 2021.


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