Supporting excellence of spirit, mind and body.
We must avoid the snowball effect of bending the rules in our daily operations.
Using audio enhancement systems in the classroom.
Educational interiors flex to meet new demands as students look for connectivity, mobility, interaction, comfort and collaboration.
Consider safety when investigating performance-based facility design.
Inspiring the next generation to lead healthier lives.
Pollinating bees on school grounds pose little threat but can be intimidating.
New technology seems to be constantly moving the goalposts for best in class presentation tools.
The University of Arizona streamlines information on opportunities for sustainability.
Building systems are acting more and more like social media, getting smarter, driving energy savings and customer satisfaction. Are you #connected?
Fake admissions authorization websites, called "honeypots," pose a new and growing online threat to universities.
Evolving classroom styles drive acoustics and audiovisual design.
Here's a look at how Cleveland State University administrators envisioned and built a state-of-the-art center where all health care students work, study and collaborate to create a diverse workforce.