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Leveraging Community

Community Sustainability

Leveraging Community Sustainability in Schools

Response To A Terrorist Attack at School

Planning Your School's Response To A Terrorist Attack

Terrorists do attack K-12 schools, and you need to plan a response just in case your school comes under attack.

library to media center

Finding New Life in an Old Space

Making the move from library to media center.

How Our Buildings Are Viewed

Attention to detail is a sometimes burdensome part of the job.

learning styles

Bring Back the Agora!

Encouraging the exchange of knowledge in informal as well as formal gathering places is redefining and shaping the physical spaces in which teachers teach and students learn.

higher education trends

Looking Ahead: Thought Leaders Forecast Trends 2016

From the campus library to guns on campus, covering a variety of higher education issues, a range of higher education industry experts share their outlooks on what the future holds.

Learning Ecosystem

A Learning Ecosystem in Action

Bloomfield Hills Schools administrators have built a learning ecosystem that includes three learning ecosystem elements — flexible furnishings, engaging technologies and collaborative spaces.

Congress Takes Action: Writes and Passes a New Education Law

Who would of thunk it? The Senate and House agreed to overhaul No Child Left Behind (NCLB) by approving the "Every Student Succeeds Act" (ESSA).

It's Not Just Puppy Love

Unity College students raise service dogs on campus in Guiding Eyes for the Blind partnership.