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How We Communicate

It's what you say and how you say it.

Put IT There

The products that physically support technology — lecterns, carts, cabinets and mounts — are an important component to consider when integrating technology into campus spaces.

Attention Wall Mount Shoppers!

Classroom size and shape has changed very little. Shouldn't we consider mobile technology to provide more spatial flexibility?

Forging Promising Futures

Forging Promising Futures

Baltimore high school creates new opportunities for the students and the community.

energy initiative

Demand Response

An energy initiative that works for the environment and school divisions.

Bicycle-Friendly Universities

Encouraging biking on campus is contributing to sustainability.

Secure School Environment

Maintaining a Secure Environment

School security begins at the front door.

Smart Thermostats at Kenyon College

Kenyon College is seeing thousands of dollars in savings from the installation of a smart thermostat system in its residence halls, and students are appreciating the upgrade.

School Building Costs

How to Cut the Cost of Your New School Building

It's anti-intuitive, but raising the initial cost of a new school or other capital purchase can reduce total cost of ownership.

Curtailing Sexual Abuse and Violence on College Campuses

Colleges and universities in the U.S. need to step up their game to help victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence and to prevent future assaults too often related to alcohol abuse.

Capitalizing on Grants

Grants can be used to put programs, personnel and resources in place to sustain successful initiatives long term.

Virtual Education Still Needs Physical Places

Technology is reshaping campus space, not replacing it.

Moving Forward

How to Engage Your Local Community to Assure a Successful School Program

Community engagement is critical to building consensus and solicits feedback so everyone has a clear understanding of how tax dollars or SPLOST revenue are being spent.

Five Important Criteria

Creating an effective fire prevention program for your school system.

The Perfect Floor

Selecting and installing the ideal flooring for any given campus environment involves the consideration of a host of options, from cost to color, materials and maintenance, and more.

A Future-Proof Residence Hall

A new state-of-the-art residence hall at Eastern Washington University is wired to distribute TV on Cat 6, WiFi, telephone and more.

Integrating Audio Visual Technology

The A to Z of AV

Know exactly what you want and need before you make your purchases.

TCO: In It For the Long Run

The University of South Carolina is looking long-term at sustainability and the total cost of ownership of its facilities, including the new home of the Darla Moore school of business.