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A New School of Thought on Collaboration Spaces

Colleges and universities can make every space on campus a learning space - corridors, outdoor spaces, entryways and more. Greater use of collaboration spaces helps prepare students for the workplace.

Therapy Dogs in Schools: The Benefit to Students, Teachers

From helping young children read to relieving the intense stress faced by university students, dogs are an increasingly familiar part of school programs across the country. Therapy dogs provide an inexpensive way to assist students in focusing on their education.

public-private partnerships

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

Why Your Next Collaboration May Be a P3

Here are two examples of public-private partnerships that suggest it might be the best approach if you’re ready to add or replace campus housing.

Emerging Technology

Bandwidth Overkill

It isn't the '90s anymore.

Preventing Sexual Assault at school

Safety & Security

Preventing Sexual Assault, Grooming and Child Molestation in Schools

How Building Design Concepts and Smart Security Technology Can Help.

Maintenance Repairs

Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind

Available technology options can be used to improve campus infrastructure maintenance and repair.

Drones on campus

The Safe and Secure Campus

An Eye In the Sky

The capabilities of and uses for drones are growing at a rapid pace. How can they be used for campus safety...and should they?

Modernizing Schools

Lessons Learned: Modernizing K-12 Facilities

The impact of a modernized school can be transformative. An updated facility can enhance teacher recruitment, retention and commitment, and students reap benefits in behavior and heath, engagement and learning.

Active Shooter Training

The Safe and Secure Campus

Training for The Unthinkable

Does your options-based active shooter training approach meet standards of care?

The Safe and Secure Campus

When the Unthinkable Happens

Learning Studios and Classroom Design

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Learning Studios and Classroom Design

When students become the masters of their own learning.

Maintenance & Operations (Managing the Physical Plant)

Let's Talk About PM

A look at the preventative maintenance model vs. "run to failure" model.

Sustainable Schools

Taking Ownership of Energy Usage

Energy is controllable and manageable, so the opportunity for savings is large.

Emerging Technology (Enhancing, Engaging, Connecting)

Cybersecurity Attacks

It's not a matter of "if," but "when." Is your institution prepared?

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

What Matters to You?

Recruit & Retain (Lebanon Valley College)

Executing a 'Power Play'

Using athletics to bolster recruitment and retention efforts.

Acoustical Considerations

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Acoustical Considerations for 21st-Century K-12 Learning Environments

Today's educational trends require sound acoustical design.

Hot Tips (Color Pavement Marking)

MMA vs. Thermoplastic

Ask the Expert (Purchasing and Procurement)

To Bid Or Not To Bid?

Campus Communications

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Schools Enhance Campus Communications

Kent State University

Facility Focus (Learning Studio and Classroom Design)

Kent State University: Center for Architecture and Environmental Design

Time keeping

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Synchronized Timekeeping Solution

Parsons School of Design

Facility Focus (Learning Studio and Classroom Design)

Parsons School of Design: The New School's Making Center

Arrival Sequence

Safety & Security

Changing the 'Arrival Sequence'

Architecture firm’s proposed design makes progressive school more secure.

Fred and Sara Machetanz Elementary School

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

A Colorful, Sustainable Journey

TCU flooring

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Purple Pride

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More