

STEM Equality

Innovative programs and a concerted effort by many colleges and universities are increasing enrollment of women in STEM programs and helping them to navigate careers in traditionally male-dominated jobs.

campus sports and recreation buildings

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Embracing a New Vision for Sports, Fitness, and Wellness

Traditionally seen as venues for sporting events, workouts, and team practices, campus sports and recreation buildings are taking on an exciting new mission.

building envelope

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

The Building Envelope

Envelopes have long since evolved from a means to just keep outside out and inside in. Systems are advancing with, among other things, sophisticated air and vapor barriers, airtight interiors, increasingly efficient windows, and exceedingly insulated roofs.

environmental design

The Safe and Secure Campus

Safe By Design: Can attention to environmental design lead to a safer campus?

When the conversation moves from how to secure buildings and expands to securing entire campuses, attention to environmental design can help with answers.

campus outdoor space

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Outside Ideas for Urban Campuses

Urban-based institutions are often limited in the size of their campus footprint. Initiatives and installations at these urban campuses are optimizing outdoor spaces to maximize wayfinding, safety, and aesthetics.

credential check

Safe and Secure Schools

It's In the Details

Make sure to check credentials, qualifications of third-party contractors, staff.

school outdoor space

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Taming the Great Outdoors

With a little planning, outdoor spaces can be transformed into things of beauty that students want to use.

security assessment

Safe and Secure Schools

Buckets of Rocks and Baseball Bats in Schools

safer school dismissal

Safe and Secure Schools

A Safer Dismissal Process, One Pickup at a Time

For one elementary school principal, reorganizing the end of the school day has made life less chaotic for teachers, students, and parents.

sports facilities

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Sports Facilities: Focusing On Elevating the Fan Experience

Sports facilities in schools and universities are incorporating new design trends to drive more fans from their homes to the stadium. With rapid advances in technology, sports facility designers feel that in stadium venues, technology is reshaping fan experience.

Building Envelope

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

At First Sight

Diverse, innovative materials are available for the building envelope, adding impactful visual interest as well as energy efficiency to campus facilities.

school construction

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Bookbags and Hardhats Don't Mix

facilities management


Taking Stock of Your Facilities

Colleges and universities can improve facilities management and maximize budget efficiency through comprehensive, campus-wide assessments.

prefab construction

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Today's Prefab Construction

Personalized prefab is here. Really. Are you willing to try it?

cleaning products

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

A Safer Environment

How to make healthier cleaning work in educational facilities.

facilities and landscaping

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

Building Closer Town-and-Gown Ties

Unprecedented pressure heightens the importance of effective interaction between colleges and the cities they inhabit.

campus police

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Today’s Well-Dressed Campus Police Officer

Here's a look at the technology with which the well-dressed police officer—and the officer's car—are equipped, to ensure the best possible outcomes when policing campus.

school safety

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Keeping Students Safe

Today's world can be a dangerous for students, teachers and administrators. Here are some thoughts about preparing for the worst.

green demolition

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Green Demolition

Often before a new building goes up, an old building must come down. These are the steps to a systematic, sustainable approach to demolition.

school facility costs

Business (Managing K-12 Education)

School Facilities: What Do They Really Cost?

In this article, we explore lifecycle costs and vital factors to consider in order to make the most cost-effective choices for your facilities.


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

9-to-5 Flooring

Campus administrative and office areas have requirements for flooring that differ from academic, residence hall, athletics, and other facilities. Here's what to consider for these working spaces.

Resimericial Design

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Resimercial Design

Creating learning environments that positively impact students.

adaptive reuse

Adaptive Reuse

An alternative to new construction, renovation.

adaptive reuse

Recycled Facilities

Creative adaptive reuse and retrofit projects are resulting in unique spaces for student living and learning.

campus cleaning

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

How Clean?

Meeting cleaning expectations on campus involves various factors, from personnel to products and even artificial intelligence.


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Walls That Promote Learning

Walls and ceilings have evolved from flat white panels into attractive interior design elements that contribute to educational quality.


Facilities (Learning Spaces)

It's All Good!

Carpet, tile, rubber, and hardwood? All have their benefits.

spaces for learning

Spaces for Learning

The evolution of academic spaces on campus continues to transform interiors into areas that are interactive, tech-enabled, and adaptable to a variety of uses for collaborative engagement.

deferred maintenance

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Dealing With the Deferred Maintenance Challenge

How do you make inroads into a seemingly insurmountable deferred maintenance backlog?

sustainable interior design

Sustainable Interior Design

In recent years, more research has come to light in support of the impact that facility design has on student performance. These studies reveal clear evidence that the physical characteristics of a classroom impact learning, and furthermore, that a link exists between well-designed school facilities and increased academic achievement.

electronic security

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Electronic Security on College Campuses

College campuses need to secure lots of doors, today. Security departments are turning to electronic locks to secure those doors.

school access control

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

School Access Control

Even the most thoughtfully designed and perfectly installed access control strategies can often easily be compromised by staff who do not do their part to support them. While staff development is called for, making access control a reality in deed as well as word is must be a leadership priority.

movable furniture

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Planning for Movable Furniture

An outdoor furniture installation on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the result of a desire to increase the use of campus spaces...and a helping hand from a coalition intended to strengthen community.

deferred maintenance

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Who's on First? Prioritizing Deferred Maintenance Projects

With limited resources in school districts burdened with leaky roofs and worn out heating equipment, how can facility managers prioritize?

outdoor classroom

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Classrooms in the Great Outdoors

After years inside classrooms, educators are rediscovering the learning benefits provided by the great outdoors. There are outdoor educational opportunities in engineering, math, science—all of the basic subjects.

school restroom

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

A Moment of Privacy

Outside of the political arena, school planners, architects and engineers probably have the best chance of solving gender-neutral and other associated issues behind the doors of school restrooms.

Campus Housing

Housing Survey

Campus Housing: Evolving to Meet Student Needs

CP&M recently surveyed college and university housing administrators to find out what issues concern them in their daily operations. Here is what they told us.


Technology (Enhancing + Engaging + Connecting)

EdTech's Influence: Both In and Out of the Classroom

Technology has become an integral part of K-12 classrooms. Here are some examples of how districts across the country use technology—both software and hardware—to create authentic learning experiences for students.

healthy indoor air quality

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Improving IAQ in Your Foodservice Environments

Foodservice facilities have specific needs. Here are some things to think about when it comes to one of those needs: healthy indoor air quality.

emergency communications

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)


Maintaining emergency communication systems inside and outside of buildings across campus is a matter of putting safety first.

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    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More