Spring 2021 Spaces4Learning

Spring 2021


Children running in a school hallway

Security & Planning

Preparing Teachers and Staff for an Active Shooter Event

Adults, not students, should bear responsibility for controlling the situation.

By Robert Kravitz

Fellows Hall at Williams College

A Home Away From Home: Fellows Hall at Williams College

By Anne Holford-Smith, Serena Losonczy

May 2011 killer EF-5 tornado that hit Joplin, MO

Tornadoes, Shelters and Tubes, Oh My!

By Susan Flanagan

Twister. Funnel. Whirlwind. A tornado by any other name is still considered the deadliest and most destructive natural disaster on earth. Occurring on all continents except Antarctica, tornadoes have both terrified and fascinated mankind for centuries. The U.S. averages almost 1,300 tornadoes per year, more than all other continents combined. How do we protect ourselves when a tornado strikes? It is this question that has driven architects, engineers and the construction industry to develop codes and guidelines such as ICC 500 and FEMA P-361. These guidelines, at least in part, will help to ensure the proper construction of tornado shelters in order to save lives.

Bowling Green State University Business School

Not Just Business As Usual

Bowling Green State University Debuts New Business School

By Matt Jones


man cleaning ventilation screen


Healthy Air Must Flow

By Kevin Brown

ERVs recovery system


Safeguard Schools Against COVID-19 Efficiently via Energy Recovery Ventilation

Achieving healthy and safe schools is more critical than ever in the new pandemic normal.

By Nick Agopian

Editor's Note

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

By Matt Jones

small classroom with three children sitting on puffs

Design Guidelines

The "Human" in Human-Centered, Evidence-Based Design for Education

By Jonathan Matta

HVAC fans


Mitigating the Risk of COVID-19 and Improving Indoor Air Quality in Schools

By Mike Wolf

air purification


Reimagining Air Purification in Classrooms After COVID-19

Pandemic brings renewed focus on importance of indoor air quality in schools.

By Kevin Luo


University of Louisiana Monroe Active Learning Classroom

Facility Focus

University of Louisiana Monroe Installs Active Learning Classroom

High-tech environment is first of its kind in the state.

By Matt Jones

science classroom

Building Blueprints Vertical Learning

Chicago School Moves into Downtown High-Rise

By Brandon Hall