Save Time and Money on Quality Products
Schools, government agencies and other non-profit institutions can piggyback on money-saving contracts available through two national cooperative purchasing programs, The Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN) and PEPPM Technology Bidding and Purchasing Program.
Created by a state educational service agency located in Milton, Pa., both programs advertise and solicit sealed bids, which are awarded to the most responsive and responsible bidders. The result is higher quality at lower prices.
KPN’s contracts include outdoor athletic surfaces, field and parking lot lighting, athletic equipment, portable and modular buildings, carpet and hard surface flooring, kitchen equipment, janitorial supplies, library supplies, document management services, power cleaning equipment, cars and heavy-duty service vehicles and furnishings for schools, offices, libraries and playgrounds.
KPN also offers a shipping program that reduces the cost of inbound and outbound freight. For a complete list of available contracts visit or call us at 888/490-3182.
PEPPM has more than 300 contracts that provide technology products, services and supplies from top brands including Xerox, Cisco, Apple, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Lightspeed and Canon. The PEPPM website posts over 520,000 technology items, and offers online quoting capabilities for public agencies seeking volume discounts. PEPPM offers agencies free and easy access to its contracts and free shipping on all purchase orders over $500. Visit to use the new online quoting tool.
As initiatives of a political subdivision for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, KPN and PEPPM have a long-standing history of helping schools and other agencies eliminate the time and cost of bidding.
This article originally appeared in the issue of .