EDspaces Educational Facility Grant Applications – Due May 27

Silver Spring, Md. — Key decision makers at schools, colleges or universities involved in the design, build, management or renovation of an educational facility are invited to apply for an Educational Facility Grant for the EDspaces 2016 Conference & Expo, Nov. 2-4, 2016 in Cincinnati, OH.EDspaces, co-located with the AIA Committee on Architecture for Education’s Fall Conference, showcases the newest and most innovative products for educational facilities and includes a CEU-accredited education conference focused on forward-thinking, sustainable design and the changing impact of environments on learning.

Now in its sixth year, the purpose of the Educational Facility Grant Program is to assist school and college facility planners, administrators, and business/purchasing officials in making more effective decisions for their ongoing and future facility construction or renovation projects and to take part in the discussion about how facilities and learning intersect. The Grant Award package includes hotel accommodations for up to three (3) nights at an official EDspaces host hotel and full conference registration, which includes career-enriching educational sessions, exhibits and networking events.

For more information, visit: www.ed-spaces.com/grants/


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