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NYU School of Engineering Delivers Cloud Computing, Mobile Security, Big Data Online Courses for Companies

NEW YORK, NY — Technology-driven companies looking to upgrade the skills of employees in cybersecurity, mobility, big data analytics and cloud computing will get a new tool starting in January 2015: An online learning certificate comprised of three courses. The series, “Emerging Computing Technologies,” can be completed within one year on a trimester schedule. Students who enter the series earn nine credits that may be applied to qualifying master's degrees.

“Collaborating with our Fortune 500 clients, we uncovered these three hot spots where companies are being pressed to find first-class solutions,” says Robert Ubell, vice dean of NYU School of Engineering’s online learning unit. “This addition to our virtual curriculum responds to the evolving needs of global companies.”

The “Mobile Security” course explores the growing threat to mobile devices, networks, and services delivered over mobile infrastructure — an area of particular concern given that mobile devices now outnumber computers worldwide and that smartphones and tablets, with their convenient anytime, anywhere access to the Internet, useful apps and communications capabilities like voice, chat and email, have become exceptionally enticing targets for cybercriminals.

“Big Data Analysis” offers data science insights into the storage, organization, and processing of data at a scale and efficiency that go well beyond the capabilities of conventional information technologies. It reviews state-of-the-art analytics, including various platforms, models and languages, as well as applications that perform massive data analysis and how they can be implemented on big data platforms.

“Cloud Computing: Concepts and Practice” provides participants with knowledge about how to use a cloud, write cloud applications and build their own private cloud. It offers insights into both Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud technologies and concepts.

The NYU School of Engineering ranks among the top dozen online graduate engineering programs in the country by U.S. News & World Report. Online master’s degree programs include Cybersecurity, Electrical Engineering, Bioinformatics, Organizational Behavior, and more. For more information on the full line of degree programs, visit For more information on the new certificate, visit

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