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Raise Your Hand Texas Sponsoring 95 Principals from 65 School Districts/Charters for Harvard Institutes

Austin, Texas — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Raise Your Hand Texas, a nonprofit advocacy organization working to strengthen and improve public education, is sponsoring 95 principals from 61 school districts and four charter school organizations to participate in a summer leadership program at The Principals’ Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

With this year’s group, Raise Your Hand Texas will have sponsored more than 900 principals to attend Harvard in the eight years of the program. Raise Your Hand covers all expenses for those selected, including program tuition fees, travel, hotel and other discretionary funding – an average of about $7,500 per attendee, for a total of nearly $750,000 in sponsorships for 2016, and more than $6 million since the program’s inception.

“Building strong campus leaders is one of the fastest, most effective ways to improve education for all kids in public schools across Texas,” said Dr. Andre Morgan, program director for Raise Your Hand Texas. “With this year’s cohort, Raise Your Hand will have sponsored more than 10 percent of all Texas principals to benefit from a rigorous weeklong program at the Harvard Leadership Institutes.”

Attendees will join campus leaders from around the globe in one of the following six institutes, and engage in training and workshops led by national and international experts in the fields of education and leadership.

1. National Institute for Urban School Leaders
2. Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership
3. Leadership: An Evolving Vision
4. Closing the Achievement Gap
5. Family Engagement in Education
6. School Turnaround Leaders

Each Institute lasts for 5-7 days, between June 6 and July 28, 2016.

About Raise Your Hand Texas
Raise Your Hand Texas is a non-profit, non-partisan organization advancing public education by igniting fiercely innovative leadership and advocacy for our state’s 5 million+ students. We invest in best-in-class programs to develop an innovative new breed of leaders for Texas public schools, and lead research-driven public policy advocacy that elevates the quality of Texas public education, ensuring that our economy remains strong and Texas’ future remains bright. Visit to learn more.

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