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Winter Maintenance

Winter Wonderland

Budgeting for cold weather care and maintenance that involves planning ahead for key seasonal product and service purchases can lead to steep discounts and reduced operating costs.

integrating classroom technologies

Putting IT Together

When integrating classroom technologies and controls, what's the best option? Ensuring you have on-campus staff to handle the task, or calling on outside consultants? Advice from the experts explores the pros and cons of each approach.

It's About Our People

Maintain a "people first" focus for a successful operation.


As Good as It Sounds

Acoustics impact student learning. Plans for physical spaces — walls, ceilings, flooring and more — made with good acoustics in mind at design and construction phases will result in high-performance, effective facilities.

Rewriting No Child Left Behind: Are there the legs to carry it across the finish line?

Reauthorization is long overdue. The last three Congresses have tried and failed to rewrite it. Everyone agrees that No Child Left Behind is broken and in need of a rewrite.

Five Must-Do Safety Tips in Architectural Design

There are five must-do safety tips for communities and schools to consider when they are upgrading and building new systems.