New beginnings for College Planning & Management. In addition to the magazines that many of you have come to depend on, over the next few months you will notice the expansion of our brand.
Creating a sustainable building envelope can be complicated, but worth it. Think about today and tomorrow. Educational institutions need to plan for sustainable management of their built assets both now and in the future. Building envelopes are part of that effort.
New York's Nyack College has a plan in place to retain adult students.
Being organized and planning ahead can improve the bottom line.
Technology can be used to enhance learning and prevent tragedy.
Affordable new access control technologies are changing the way students get into college buildings.
Will your school access control approach really stop a determined aggressor? Important information and observations on access control.
Keeping historically significant facilities weatherproof and energy-efficient while preserving architectural features takes care and planning.
Despite the tragedies. there is no shortage of outstanding men and women who are willing to serve.
Here are five metrics for establishing and tracking performance and customer satisfaction in your outsourced campus services.
Will philosophical differences In Congress doom all legislation?
So what is the solution to IEQ factors, acoustics, daylighting, thermal control, air quality and the effect each of these places on the other? The short answer is proper planning and coordination.
Students with disabilities are in need of accommodations, but every student stands to benefit from the incorporation of design elements that address acoustical and visual access, as well as different learning styles and proper technology integration. Acce
Federal law requires that schools prepare an individual educational program (IEP) for each student with a disability, providing related services known to include safety in an emergency. Codes stipulate warning systems and require regular drills for all st
Edison Technical High School was originally founded in 1906, just 21 years after Fresno, Calif., was incorporated as a city in 1885. Those who had originally traveled to central California in search of gold and adventure found the regions soil rich
The days in which a professor stands at the front of a huge room and simply delivers a lecture while students dutifully listen and take notes are disappearing. Todays students and educators demand far more interaction and flexibility. Thoughtful facility design can help colleges and universities meet these expectations.
Darrell Smith, executive director of the International Window Film Association, speaks with College Planning & Management concerning the uses and benefits of window film for new and existing campus facilities.
The physical elements of the school building including scale, color and daylight are only a part of the picture, though. A successful design relies on engaging the people within the school community in a structured process. An early focus on smart plannin
While increased enrollment is widely regarded as a positive development, understanding ways to manage the influx of additional students, providing a high-quality educational experience, meeting academic goals, and staying within budget requires administrators and architects to minimize new construction and maximize existing space.
As architects and designers we are uniquely able to incorporate sustainable strategies into all of our projects, regardless of whether or not the project will be filed to achieve third-party certification. Sustainable strategies can be incorporated into any project through passive strategies, mechanical systems, and finish and furniture selection.
Reducing energy consumption is hugely beneficial, and nearly everyone is practicing good kW-cutting habits. But the second most direct route to decreasing energy costs is often overlooked: managing the energy purchase itself. The largest barrier to purchasing energy at lower prices: understanding the deregulated energy markets.