September 2018 School Planning & Management

School Planning & Management September 2018


building envelope

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

The Building Envelope

About more than keeping outside out and inside in.

By Scott Berman

Envelopes have long since evolved from a means to just keep outside out and inside in. Systems are advancing with, among other things, sophisticated air and vapor barriers, airtight interiors, increasingly efficient windows, and exceedingly insulated roofs.

credential check

Safe and Secure Schools

It's In the Details

By Mike Halligan

Make sure to check credentials, qualifications of third-party contractors, staff.

school outdoor space

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Taming the Great Outdoors

By Ellen Kollie

With a little planning, outdoor spaces can be transformed into things of beauty that students want to use.

security assessment

Safe and Secure Schools

Buckets of Rocks and Baseball Bats in Schools

Don't laugh too lightly.

By Michael Dorn

safer school dismissal

Safe and Secure Schools

A Safer Dismissal Process, One Pickup at a Time

By Kristy Love

For one elementary school principal, reorganizing the end of the school day has made life less chaotic for teachers, students, and parents.

sports facilities

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Sports Facilities: Focusing On Elevating the Fan Experience

By Sarat Pratapchandran

Sports facilities in schools and universities are incorporating new design trends to drive more fans from their homes to the stadium. With rapid advances in technology, sports facility designers feel that in stadium venues, technology is reshaping fan experience.


Editor's Note (The View From Here)

School Year Begins!

Exciting, But Expensive for Many

By Jerry Enderle

Safety & Security

Media Driven School Safety

By Michael S. Dorn

Beware of inaccurate information when creating your plans.

Safe School Buildings

Maintenance & Operations

Safe School Buildings

By John A. Bailey

Hardening school buildings from a maintenance perspective.


National Office Furniture

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Unique Furniture Enhances Learning


outdoor space

From MEH to WOW

Here, the experts to tell us how to make outdoor spaces sizzle.