An update to Rowan Hall's HVAC controls improves system performance.
Educators are the key drivers.
Enlivening and updating facilities' façades not only improves visual first impressions, but also can increase energy efficiency, add lighting and design coherence, and have a positive impact on the bottom line.
Trends in cost-effective and sustainable flooring.
Reusing as a means to sustainability.
Five high-impact technology trends for 2016 and beyond.
Learning how to celebrate failure is critical in today's world.
Too much can be as risky as too little. Find a balance.
School safety gets complicated when there is a large public facility on campus. How do universities protect hospitals and stadiums?
The difference between perceived and actual school security.
Good exterior design can "celebrate" the school.
Timely and relevant resources and information that supports safer campus communities is available through the National Center for Campus Public Safety.
Transforming educational space for the 21st-century student.
How classrooms respond to age-specific needs.